Thursday, August 3, 2017

Goodbye Orlando

Some are asking what is going on with me lately. I am finding I must carry on to another pasture. No, I have not fallen ill, nor am I having financial problems, but, I am finding I must move on. You might not hear from me for a good while, but rest assured, The Music Never Dies.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Get The Word Out - Ending This August

Dewey O. Boster has been having a Summer Nights music and art festival, and yes, I did have something to do with getting this going. Get out of the city proper, and enjoy your time there! It goes until August!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Flat Dusty Roads

NEW RELEASE! I'm doing it dry! Feel the sand, the sun. Isn't the sun a wonderful thing?! On the long journey you can feel the rhythm in the winds.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

All That She Wants

My version of a cover of a favorite Ace of Base song. I released it last year. Some have been asking about my lyrical changes. To that I say, it's a styling choice. Childe vs baby evokes an older time, and the night vs day time is more mysterious. The female voice in the song is an adoring fan of mine. It's just how things fell into place at the time. I miss her.

Roger's Building (English Club) Downtown Orlando

The Rogers Building is a sight to see! Emerald Green with reddish-brown trim, it's well loved in the City Beautiful!

Today it is still standing and still beautiful. Downtown Orlando is so beautiful at night.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lakeland Visit, Sad to See So Much Crime

I recently visited the Lakeland area for some of my music business errands. Crime is on the rise in the Lakeland area and I am hoping to see it quelled. I'd love to put on live shows there, but this is all an issue. You would think that a smaller population would equal a smaller amount of crime per capita, but not in this case.

Orlando is 66% more densely populated than Lakeland ...

... and yet it has more crime. In fact it is on the rise and it's concerning. Elite is a drug on the rise in Orlando and I am concerned it may be being trafficked through the Lakeland area. Please, be careful out there. Maybe some ‘Not in our town! Not on our watch!’ guys can help clean this up?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Safespaces Being Found In Church

Something of an interesting thought occurred to me while reading the Orlando Tribune. The politically leftist term "safe space" is describing a search for what many will find in their local Christian church. This is what the good old fashioned countryside church goers have always known.

SOURCE: Orlando Tribune

 I think a bit of my music could go along with the idea of "a place of refuge", "sanctuary", or "safespace" and it's namely this piece:

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Lingering Linger

Sometimes when you visit an old place you don't want to leave... even though it is broken and falling apart. We are creatures of habit and creatures of sentimentalism.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hunter's Groove

A new groove. A very "stoner / doom" groove piece. Nothing like the path of a determined man.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Dream Stalker

Very vivid dreams lately. Are we dreaming dreams, or, are the dreams dreaming us? Sometimes when I'm writing music or coming up with some visual art I'll have dreams in the day night that inspire me. This past week I keep dreaming something where I am walking through vast fields at night under a full moon, I hear a distant cricket. A foreboding and intense feeling is all around as if something is about to happen. The cricket stops chirping. There's an old farmhouse and a broken down carriage, I feel a warm soft wind on my face. I hear, as if, maybe this is a battlefield at night, a plea for help coming in on the air, is someone hurt? Are they laying bleeding in the tall grass? Yet no matter where I turn, I can't find the source. Just last night I was dreaming of Downtown Orlando and I heard a voice in the crowd, the same voice, calling to me, calling for help. In the dream, I felt the eyes of people on me as I turned and wheeled in every direction. I was trying to not create a scene but people seemed to think I was out of my mind, dashing down streets, car horns blare, nearly getting hit. I ended up stalking down dark alleyways and stepping over homeless people while distant police sirens wail, in the futile search for the owner of this voice. So, I give you fans my latest inspiration: Dream Stalker. May you find your dreams to be more pleasant.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017


For those of you out there with Anthropophobia. I for one, as a performer, do not have this, but in today's climate, many are having it. It's understandable.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Tonight Was The Night

Tonight I met some of the most interesting people. It was at a venue I often frequent... very exclusive.  Many were very new to Orlando. Eventually I ended up on a cruise ship, such is the life of an artist in Florida. Party On!

There was a party atmosphere, as glasses clanked, and laughter came in swells. Some interpersonal conflicts did arise and I had to take care not to "step on toes". A dark storm arose, but nothing I couldn't weather, by staying indoors for the time.

 Ah! I did get to apologize to a real peacock of a man for offending him a few weeks ago. My humility proceeds me! Hah! Well, that did remind me that when you are a guest, it's often great to follow the "house rules".

I met many delightful men and women. Some whom I may be able to direct business too. One such is very interested in property in Orlando. I mentioned the I-4 Eyesore had a great plot now that it is now dust. Hehe!!

Among the crowds, the rolling cacophony of voices, I heard, a single voice, lilting and free. The owner of this voice, I only spoke to for the briefest of moments as she was enthusiastically engaged in a chat with another of the new faces.

Other interesting people met last night, for many reasons, it was beautiful and frightening. Some very charming, and some, alarming, some both. The alarm bells within ringing very loudly, yet, highly engaging as it is always exciting to meet others in whom your daily life, you would probably never run across.

That one voice, I must hear it again... in my sleep tonight, I am sure I will. As my dreams often echo the thoughts of the day... Perhaps I will wake and it will inspire a new song tomorrow. Often small things like that will inspire an entire scene. A voice, a look, a word spoken just right.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Don't Mess With II

A second and more relaxed variation of "Don't Mess With", no lyrics. A warning song to those who oppose my higher and creative pursuits!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Back Alley Dance

The concrete jungle's alleyways have their own feel, their own dance.